Modern Slavery Statement
At OceanEXL, we are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and human rights across all our operations and supply chains. We recognise the serious issue of modern slavery and human trafficking and are dedicated to preventing its occurrence in any part of our business activities.
By adhering to below principles and taking proactive measures, OceanEXL reaffirms its commitment to combating modern slavery, child labour and human trafficking in all its forms. We recognise that eradicating these abuses requires sustained effort and collective action, and we remain steadfast in our dedication to this cause.
Policies and Procedures
We have established robust policies and procedures to ensure that modern slavery, child labor and human trafficking have no place within our organisation or supply chains. These policies are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect evolving best practices and legal requirements.
Supplier Due Diligence
We conduct thorough due diligence on our suppliers to assess their compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws. We work collaboratively with our suppliers to address any identified risks and drive continuous improvement in labor standards.
Employee Awareness and Training
We provide training and awareness programs to all employees to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery and their responsibilities in preventing it. We encourage open communication channels for reporting any concerns related to modern slavery or unethical labor practices.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
We conduct regular risk assessments across our operations and supply chains to identify and mitigate any potential risks of modern slavery, child labour or human trafficking. This includes assessing risks associated with geographic locations, industry sectors, and specific suppliers.
Transparency and Accountability
We are transparent about our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement is published on our website and communicated to all relevant stakeholders. We hold ourselves accountable for achieving our commitments and meeting legal requirements.